Aug 6, 2015


Schutz shoes, boyfriend jean outfits, allthingsslim, shayla drake, tide, tide pods, fabric care university
shop bottle blonde, haute mama t shirt, allthingsslim, all things slim, mommy t shirts, maternity t shirts
laundry room ideas, white and gold laundry room

 Top: Bottle Blonde | Jeans: H&M | Heels: Revolve Clothing | Bag: Chanel

Soap, powder, bleach, towels, fabric softener, dollars, change, pants, socks, dirty drawers. I'm headed to the laundromat -Nivea

It's time to come clean: there are disgusting things hiding in your worn clothes (insert sick emoji face). After attending the Tide Fabric Care University at their headquarters in Cincinnati, I learned why proper cleaning is important (I won't get into all of the gross reasons why). It was pretty dope learning how to properly clean/extend the life of my favorite clothes. And my trip couldn't have come at a more perfect time because I had just finished my laundry room. Yay!

Having a baby (and a fitness junky husband) means I do A LOT of laundry, so I wanted a pretty place to do it. I went with my favorite colors: white and gold. Let me know if you guys would like details on my decor and I'll make a post. 

I'm wearing my uniform as of late: jeans and a t-shirt. But this t shirt is special because it's my own design:) It comes in several different cuts and I have more styles available for pre-order on the online shop for ALLTHINGSSLIM: Bottle Blonde. Check out the site for shoes, clothes and more! Thank you for reading and let me know what you guys think in the comments.

xx Slim


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