Apr 24, 2015


shayla drake, shayla greene, allthingsslim, red lace dress
 Yay it's my birthday! While I'm turning up because I'm going to join the dirty 30 club, my blog just turned 3. Read on for more...

Apr 13, 2015

DIY: Campaign Desk Tutorial

DIY desk, campaign desk, desk hack
DIY, desk, campaign desk

Hey guys! I received several inquiries about my desk, so I decided to do a post on it for those of you who were feeling it. As I said in my DIY closet post, I got this desk after upgrading an affordable one I found online. 

I've been obsessed with campaign desks and had a particular one in mind. OF course, it is like $3000 dollars and way out of my budget. What can I say? I've got expensive taste. And not even on purpose lol. 

My inspiration desk

Keep reading for more!


DIY Tutorial: How I Turned My Spare Room To A Closet Room

DIY closet, ikea closet hack, DIY marquee sign, chanel marquee sign, shoe closet, dressing room
ikea closet hack, walk in closet, closet island

I know many of you have watched my closet/office tour video, and I'd like to thank you all for that! Now, I'm going to take you on a photo tour and give you guys the details on how I put it all together. 

Like I mentioned in the video, I just moved in to the new house and I love it. My favorite room is this one of course. I spent about a month planning it out and shopping for it.

My original plan was to have a craft and sewing room, and a closet/office room because I didn't have anymore space for any of them at our old place. While I haven't started on my craft room, my closet, office and sewing area are complete. 

Here are few iPhone photos of the process of me building the room. It took me about 7 days to complete because I wanted to do it and the guest room before I actually moved in. Also, I couldn't stay longer than a few hours at a time at the house because I'm still breastfeeding Dylan. Luckily, my mother was in town and watched him. I'd probably still be unpacking if it weren't for her lol. Read on for my detailed account and full tour!
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